Hey everyone! I’m going to let the cat out of the bag today; these Mamma Can Do It Boy Leggings are AMAZING! They are the main staple in my little dudes wardrobe, no joke! He has 6 pairs maybe even more, I stopped counting. haha. Any-who, to start things out, its obvious you’ll need to grab yourself the pattern here if you don’t already have it.
Now,without further ado, let’s get Jiggy with it (nana nana..) Ooookay, I’m going to show you how to have some super duper FUN with the Boy Leggings by adding a SIDE stripe. WHOO HOOOO!!!

To start lets go check out your really “small stash” (HAHA!) and pick out your two fabrics. I chose two cotton lycra (CL) fabrics. These both have a 50% 4-way stretch. I love making the leggings out of CL due to the comfort as well as the great stretch and recovery….cuz BOYS! 😉
After selecting your fabric make sure to print out your pattern and get that prepped. I really like to use Swedish tracing paper to trace my patterns. They fold up and store nicely for future use. You can get some on Amazon here. This the size I needed traced onto the tracing paper. Get your size printed, taped, and cut out in whichever fashion you choose. After that fold over the pattern matching up the inseam and the crotch seam. (see the two pics below).

After these two steps, open up the sheet again and draw a faint line down the middle. I decided how big I wanted my stripe to be (heres where you can pick your width). Looking at my robots and not wanting to cut any off. I wanted that piece to be 1.5″ wide so that I could keep all their tiny adorable little arms in the stripe. Since I wanted it 1.5″, I marked .75″ on both sides of my line to get 1.5″ and then cut out my strip.
You should now have THREE pieces to your leg. We now need to add .25″ seam allowance (SA) to all edges. If you do not want to retrace or recut a pattern piece I show below how I used my straight edge ruler to just add .25″ on the edge of the leg piece. You can also retrace onto another pattern piece for later use if you plan to make many. I have also shown below the piece indicating where to add SA.
As you can see, I will be adding .25″ on both sides of my 1.5″ stripe, making the fabric piece I cut out a total of 2″ in width.
Once you have cut out your pieces. You are ready to assemble. You can place your side stripe piece right sides together to the pant leg and sew them together. They should be one piece again when you’re done.
Now you are ready to construct per the rest of the pants pattern instruction as if this was the pattern piece you cut out. YEY!!!! Your little dude is ready to rock some adorable new leggings!! Please share pics on the Mamma Can Do It Facebook page of your #MCDIboyleggings so we can all love up on your creations!! 🙂
May your bobbin never run out of thread,
KayCee Judd.
1 thought on “How to add a stripe to the Boy Leggings”
Where did you get the cute robot fabric?