I have 6 children, a husband and myself who wears boots. So I decided to make a homemade boot dryer!
I don’t own a conventional boot dryer. Not only because one would not be enough to dry our boots, but also because I simply cannot afford 8 boot dryers. At about $40 a piece, I would be spending a heck of a lot.
Today is Saturday and it is raining. All of my kids were disappointed to be inside this morning, so when I suggested that they play in the rain, they jumped at the chance! On went the puddle jumpers and play clothes. When the finally came in, they were soaked to the bone, including the insides of their rubber boots. How will I get them dry before tomorrow?
So I came up with this idea for a homemade boot dryer! It is really simple. Most people who have large families, probably already have these items in their houses!
I have a large clothes drying rack that I bought at our local Amish store. I think I paid $30 for it, but I’m sure that you can get one for cheaper if you are looking at using it strictly for boots.
Second, is a box fan.
Open the clothes drying rack so that the boots can sit upside down between the dowels. Place the box fan on top of two dowels to create a ‘shelf’. Aim the air going upwards into the boots.
Turn on high and walk away for a couple hours. As you can see, I have 6 pair of boots on this rack,but could easily fit another 8 pair, for a total of 14 pair. I’d like to see someone buy 14 boot dryers. 🙂
That’s all! So next time that your kids want to jump in the puddles, don’t fear – you’ll get those boots dry in no time!